
in other words

that medicinial taste

to know that you're still clean - in that ugly sort of way - and you can wash dishes for another round - oh, i'll be there - with hells bells on - emotions chafing - haven't found the proper seasoning for my caeser - less worchester, more tobascco... less tobacco - mmm, triple ms, that is what you would write - haven't smoked a smoke in 12 hours, amazing isn't it?

reality check: everything's cool
just blogging on ketamine, injected and snorted, sterilized, in my bedroom - creek street is still flowing, people are still afraid of needles, i feel like i've learned a valuable lesson, don't tie too hard, and i still have valuable dish washing skills.

sterilitee killzz - i got it all worked out in my head - the sterile water make it right and hey, first pass, second pass, who is counting? he's a family guy - indeed - just watch out, he takes things seriously when he comes down - the weight - T he W eight is the momentum that allows you to do things, but unfortunately

blake lost his brother dean

and what do you say? life - i've mainlined life -- the deep red seething into the syringe -- i will cast my vote for the tic tac regime - keep on keepinon

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...