
sadness is separate from physical pain
why is that?


Hector the Crow said...

because... ... ...

because of the wonderful things he does!

Tasha Klein said...

'hoewee' is my word verification right now.. how funny.

how do u do that link thing like what u have goin on here? i like it.
but only if it is automatic.

Tasha Klein said...

omg.. my brain is bleeding. i am on the, how to put in widget tabs for morons and ... lol ... i just can't do it tonite hahahaha but wanted to tell you thanks. and u know u don't have to link to nina but she loves it and said to tell u that u made her nite, a little less dark. thanks my friend. xo

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...