

no radio
no radio

live cjly is

KCR goes down

I go on

I call it on

not a nod but a BUZZ

a benign buzz

music conjuring? from ethereal corridors?
mind expecting? finally....

ahhh - taste - flavour strings, i can relate
i'm alive

stale plastic blood

rush - sugar - crystallizing
sour bloodsugar sweettaste
and my hand seems interesting again

pretty silly situation, wouldn't you say?
i should get a drink of water

attention paid

but fuck, i'm HIGH!!! yes, I am powerfully altered
oh yes /
so why the backslash?
water washed me out
and i figure, bleh but, , whatever
and that extra comma is intended syntax, btw

unfortunately, so they tell me, the devil is in the details
so they tell me, so the dust and the plastic scrapings
from baggies, and needles, and other things
they come into play, don't they always?
isn't that how that went down?


"there's final hits and there's FINAL HITS... which was this to be?"

so open, like a fookin vein, hoh boy... fook

smurf villages in the cotton threads
i love rails, i love needles, i love the whole thing
that's why i've gotta stop - fuck, i'm sure it's very very funny
for someone with an extremely warped sense of humour, looking down
from the Q continuum
warp factor 10, cap'n
no, nix that, let's back it off to 6 or 7
even 7's a stretch, let's say six, and let's "say"


and, well,

cjly is back online but i stopped caring
but it is interesting listening to left wing freaks freak at right wing freaks on democracy now - and it's fun to place a bubble between me and the world, and profess my hatred of politics, oh i HATE politics, oh, i don't want to know

woohoo - the frozen window finally opens and i can smoke
and the night air is sucking the smoke outside and i can
spike a spike high with surplus dopamine and
i don't have to work in the kitchen, it's
thursday morning and things are going my way for a second
when people are not involved --

did my last shot of k, now i'm going straight, so i say
oh boy that's sick logic
there's a bug in this machine
says the inebriated entomologist

well past bedtime anyway
but there's worse things than that

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