
Captain Shinto's Chortling Buddha Power Hour

I want to go into the mountains and milk gemstones and mine goats. The beautiful mountainside beyond the FECK sign. I want to go into the mountains and milk gemstones and mine goats. Bad things happen here, but nothing's real. I want to go into the mountains and milk gemstones and mine goats. Until I get bored. Then I want to stop mining goats and milking gemstones. And see what's waiting for me, where things are real. It sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Like the dealer who could have ripped me off, but didn't. There are no marks here. Or everyone's a mark, so no one can differentiate.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...