
avatar smile

i just realized, i like smilies

not the stupidly souped-up annoying animated ones, but the normal smiley face icons that transform your :)s - because i find it hard to smile naturally when i'm talking to people, even if i naturally want to, the nerves get in the way - but online, i can smile with a button, and it feels natural

the nerves are strangling me today, but i accomplished a few things - had my first newfoundland jam session - man, it reminded me of nelson, a little apartment crammed with a mandolin, banjo, guitar, and half a drumkit (as if nelson owns country bluegrass jams, heh) - so i might have to limit my sounds to piano and occasional organ, but the songs are good - thank god, no shitty covers

so i can feel a little less bad about the mountain of things unaccomplished - all the homework piling up - maybe i'll start by learning the songs - still procrastinating on the mellowtron

synthetic emptiness

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