

immanentizing the eschaton - finiky, cheking on my illiterati cuties and any other messages there might be, in this no-bidding war - let's call it a progessive possessive disease - giggedy - no way i can do this sober, haha, where are some pills, intoxicants, poisons, mouthwash, anything? just kidding, gonna smoke a deathstick, ah... the good ol deathstick - and i might need another perrier to get thru this

i was at a boring meeting today doing the church/steeple thing with my hands clasped together, and the way my fingers were bent looked really cool, with the lines splayed out - i thought, i have to draw that - so i took out a piece of poster paper to remind me - might be a deal-breaker, this explication thing - lord knows i'm a voodoo chile, voodoo chile - giggedy giggedy goo!

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...