
protein pills

king narmur was the uniter of the first nation in history

hot, cold, itch, spit
i should do this, that

should throw away this

could i do that?
a reasonable routine?

i don't feel artistic
i should make art out of that

should devote my life to others

swallow, shiver, swallow, save
band practice in three days, should work on the songs
but i don't want to
don't feel it, like i did then

cold hands, hands always cold
i should do away with all chemical aids
this "medication" i take when i'm "clean"
uppers, downers, most of all, the
ANTI-DEPRESSANT, i'd love that out of the mix
but it's so awfully pragmatic right now

cold hands, i'm going to turn on the heater
the dust is burning
don't want to swallow, the roof of my mouth feels weird
i'll spit on my dresser, i don't care

could i warm my hands in front of a fire, and listen to bob brier
forever? would that be okay?
eight glasses of water a day
i don't want to hear that my room "smells" or "stinks"
or whatever is wrong with it today

i want to fix all or nothing
i'll fix it with valerian

it's such a stupid problem
this excess saliva
should i spend all my charity
on a visit to the dentist? yes, no, let's keep it all in theory
till the next distraction

should i save this? myself? others?

half a catharsis

now we're basting with kerosine

remember when the princess was a toadstool?

my hair still grows, oh, so long, everywhere
flat flattens out, elastic pancake, the world is flat
the universe is flat, we're all one, one plane
i'm a line on the plane

that'll do for now....

i need to stop caring about not caring
too much energy for apathy

i'll drink more water, that's my activity
that's what i'm rousing myself to do, drink water

food is poison, i don't need more chemicals
complex molecules mucking me up, just h2o
that's alright

taste is obscene

this is my genre, i stumbled upon it
tomorrow i'll get a daytimer
step one (everybody love the clientelle)

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