

Black Box static immunity. Mother mother refracted me with sexy demon vocals. Let the devil play it. Fuck music. The only thing that's good is to relax. The more peace, the better. I guess it's okay to say "zeigheist". For lack of anything else.

Mint-flavoured meschikles. Print-makers pollock template. Quality. Jump in dialog. That'll be useful. The old man, hell, Shaq, the genesis. Hey, was that an exclamation mark I deleted?

Lit mode should be good. How about controlled? Give slack. Reap results. Not all that mysterious. The mystery is an illusion.


If I sleep when I'm alive, can I wake up when I'm dead? This is the only way, the only direction. The return of the curse of the creature's ghost. A spoonful of medicine helps the sugar dissolve. Yeah. I can see the value, vaguely.

No silly lists. Only the silliest grist for the mill. Vallie low lull lolliswallow. Sostenuto. There isn't one. Maybe there is a remainder. Climes. I can say this is halfway. One foot in, one foot out. Spartan stupor. Makes me think that one day, the sublime zen fractions of a life moderately well-lived will be mine. Righteous.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...