
last night i got drunk whilst looking for k - hit every bar in town, over-tipped every server - called a cab to get home, over-tipped the cabbie - last night i got drunk whilst drinking - got some ideas, forgot what they were - a bourgeois bender, over-tipped every bartender, what did i get out of it? i'm wondering

today i'm practicing healthy misanthropy, you wouldn't know it to look at me but i'm being careful with my money - it's healthy, healthy for my money whom i've neglected and disrespected, i'm taking care, like the servers never said to me

today i'm kungover and shivering - they're good shivers, righteous shivers - there's something about this partially artificial kitchen temperature, it's changing my chemistry to emote surges of childishgiddygush in the language of bloodstream, and that's good, another beat pumps childgush through my veins, i remember that taste, it's like licorice, a big thing of licorice

well at least i didn't hurl - well... at least i didn't remember hurling - it was MERCIFULLY BEYOND MY CONTROL -- and oh yeah, bury me with my money - drugs are free, but bury me with my money

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